Welcome to Living with Flare

I’m so glad you made it!

Yes, chronic illness can impose limitations on the way you can live your life, but finding ways to thrive despite your challenges is essential for living your best life. It took me years to bounce back, so here I am sharing my story to help you get there faster.

My Story…

I still remember when the doctors told me “you have multiple sclerosis”. If I had known what they were talking about I would have had a complete breakdown, but I didn’t. I had never heard of MS. All I knew then was I couldn’t use half of my body and I needed answers. I went into instant survival mode. I had a young family with no time to waste feeling sorry for myself. Fortunately, over the years I received most of my physical strength back; however, I realized I had a lot of emotions I buried and never attended to.

I quickly learned that MS takes its toll just as much mentally and emotionally as it does physically. I knew I couldn’t be the only one on this journey and wanted to do something about it. Living with Flare is my way to share my story and give to others what I wish I had when my story began.

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